University Of Victoria

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#1 Privacy and Human Centred Learning

Learning management system has been a great benefit for learning during the recent pandemic. Zoom has allowed teachers to connect with their students and continue to teach their lessons. In my opinion, learning management systems are useful for university level students. University classes tend to be bigger, meaning more students to reach. Brightspace allows for announcements, readings, and class material. There is also a gradebook where teachers can input marks and students can see them online. Moreover, marking can be more efficient, as Brightspace can mark multiple choice tests after each test has been submitted.

On the other hand, learning management systems are not as beneficial to K-12 students. During development stages, students learn and comprehend information at different times. Teachers may notice students who struggle and who excel by marking tests and assignments. Some learning management system does this job for them. These system’s should benefit teachers and students equally. Learners should be the centre of education. In addition, some learning management systems have privacy concerns. Parents started to concern “about the privacy of students…between the State of New York and InBloom”(Regan & Jessie, 2019, p. 168). This is because the test scores were used to rank schools in the U.S.A. BC schools also did this. When I was in elementary school, I remember my class had to complete online testing in the computer lab. Students needed their parent’s approval to participate. This is because the results would be shared. My mother did not allow me to participate in these tests. As a teacher as well, she knew that it would be used for rankings. This testing is not beneficial to the learner and invades their privacy.

Overall, learning management systems should favour the learner. In my opinion, Brightspace is beneficial to me. I can find most class material on the website. In addition, Brightspace has a class list which makes it easier to find classmates to interact with. Brightspace helps me increase information, but not all learning management systems do the same. I want to learn more about learning management systems that may disadvantage a student’s learning. Then, I can ensure not to use these systems and know what to use when I start to teach my own students. 

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